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Writers’ Resources

Duotrope’s Digest

A useful site for finding publications to send stories to. The database is searchable by genre, length, whether the magazine is in print or online, how well it pays, and also whether it takes multiple submissions, simultaneous submissions, or previously published stories. A very good way to get a quick answer when deciding where to send a story, and as far as I can tell it seems to be kept well maintained as markets change. Also lists typical response times based on user feedback.

Ralan’s Webstravaganza

A very well known (and pretty comprehensive) repository for market tips and information, which as a result is kept well up-to-date by Ralan Conley himself, and by tip-offs from its many users. Not as searchable as Duotrope, but there are separate pages for Anthology markets, Pro & Semi-Pro, Paying parkets, Contests and “4-the-Luv” markets. Finding a potential home for a particular story is therefore a matter of learning to skim read the pretty densely packed listings looking for the right genre tags, wordcount, pay rate, etc. However the top of each page gives the latest additions and amendments so if you check the site regularly then there won’t be too much to wade through. You can also sign up to a regular email service which will give you the latest updates (though if ever you don’t need the service any more, remember to unsubscribe — it sounds like his address list is already pretty bloated!). All in all a very useful site and probably the most comprehensive one around.

Absolute Write

The forums are the part of this site I use most, though its overall remit is to act as an online community of writers and publishing professionals, with information on (or links to) all aspects of writing (e.g. writing classes, writing software, news on agents and editors, and help with fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, freelancing and copywriting).

The forums though are huge, both in terms of the number of active members and the number of subjects under discussion at any one time, and pretty much any writing-related question is likely to get an answer. You can also share work here for people to comment on, including (very useful this bit) query letters that you intend to send to agents.

Plot Medics

This site was set up by a couple of members of my crit group to help other writers with any plot related problems they might be having. As experienced writers and critiquers themselves, their aim is to talk through any blockages or dead-ends you might have encountered, and put a fresh perspective on things to get you started again. In addition there are pages of writing exercises and plot prompts, plus a regular “Friday Flash” fiction page.

Other Writers

Aliette de Bodard

Fellow T-Party member, currently represented by the Zeno Agency, previous winner of the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest, and a finalist in the John W. Campbell Best New Writer Award

Kate Kelly

Science Fiction and Horror writer from Dorset, UK. Published in (among others) “Hub Magazine“, “Jupiter SF“, “Arkham Tales” and “The Willows”.

Sumit Dam

Another fellow T-Party member, with an online selection of short stories and flash fiction covering a variety of styles and subjects.

Dave Gullen

Also a member of the T-Party, with publication credits including “Hub Magazine“, “Andomeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine“, “Midnight Street“, “Legend” and “Broadsword” magazines.

Gaie Sebold

Yet another writer from the T-Party, Gaie is represented by the John Jarrold Literary Agency, and her first novel (“Babylon Steel”) is due out with Solaris later this year (2011). Her short fiction has appeared in “Black Gate“, “City Slab” and “Legend” magazines.

Rob Smith

This links to the site for Rob Smith’s debut novel, Night Fighters, a cross-genre novel taking in World War II airborne combat (Rob is something of an authority in this subject) and a unique take on the true nature of vampirism. Not a genre combination you’d normally encounter, but he pulls them together very convincingly.

“1942. As Bomber Command’s losses mount over Germany, the Government turns to the secretive K Department and its new weapon. A clandestine squadron, composed of men with an unusual medical condition that allows them to see in the dark…

A condition that inspired the myth of vampires.”

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